How to Choose the Right Virtual Event Platform


Managing virtual events requires a different set of skills from event planners – from filming and broadcasting to writing scripts and dealing with new tech as well. But according to a new poll from Best event management companies in Tamil Nadu, Event management companies in Tamil Nadu this month, 53% of event planners do not feel they have the necessary skills nor experience in running successful online events as well. This could be very worrying, especially as these events are going to be around for a while also.

The good news is that many of the skills needed by event planners have already been gained by delivering live events. So, these can be easily transferred across to help deliver a virtual production also. However, there are a number of other key traits and skills that would also help in running successful virtual events as well.  Let’s take a look.

1) TV Production Mindset  

Event planners need to transition their thinking. No longer are they effectively stage-managing live events, they are now producing a virtual one also. The planner has become a producer, making a programme – not running an event with Best event management companies in Tamil Nadu, Event management companies in Tamil Nadu.

This approach highlights some key differences that need to be addressed. For example, at a live event, delegates may not worry too much if the schedule slips and runs late. After all, there are other delegates they can talk to. However, that is not the case with virtual productions as well. When things don’t run on time, you risk the chance of delegates leaving also.

2) Design Skills     

Design is another key skill needed for your virtual production to be a success in a right way. You need to consider session length, maximising audience engagement tools and most importantly how your audience will benefit also.  All of these skills are already known to event planners. However, the challenge that trips up a lot of people is the speed with which time evaporates with virtual events as well.

Once you have decided on the main elements of content, you need to drill into each specific session and design appropriately as well. For example, you have a 30-minute slot for a session. The session needs to include: an introduction from your host, time for the speaker to deliver their presentation as well, time for questions and polling and time for the host to close. Suddenly that 30-minute slot looks quite tight as well. This is when you need to decide whether to expand the time or re-design the session also with Best event management companies in Tamil Nadu, Event management companies in Tamil Nadu.

3) Responsiveness and Proactivity

Having a ‘Plan B’ is useful for any event but even more so for a virtual production as well. What will you do if one of the speakers can’t be seen or heard? What if they cannot turn up because they have a personal tragedy to deal with? You need a solution and you need it quickly. One of the answers is to have them send in their pre-recorded presentation in advance also. If you engage the services of a ‘virtual host’ you can solve other issues as they crop up with time.


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